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Atlas to Venus

Atlas's main priority is to get to Venus. Atlas aspires to get there because no one has ever been there. We ache to assemble a rover that is capable of sustaining on Venus. Something that could sojourn there for numerous months at a time to accumulate as much data as possible. For instance, the dirt on Venus is merely one of the various things we will contribute to scientists.

Atlas - About
We are an upcoming rocket company with high expectations for the future of humanity and commercial space travel.

The future of Atlas

The TRISAT Series

Not too long ago, the Founder and co-Founder commenced a program dubbed "TRISAT." ​TRISAT's purpose at Atlas is to expand our experience on homemade rockets, testing flight computers, and thrust vector control. ​ Soon TRISAT is intended to be bigger than an upper stage and center core. We want to add detachable side boosters, more than two stages, and the ability to land.

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Total Launches 
Total Recoverys
Successful Launch





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